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Friend's of the Nata village blog

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March 05, 2006


Tiro Kganela

Welcome aboard - to the information super highway ! Welcome to the global village village ! Nice website .

Professor Tom Hayes

This is a terrific website, just packed with good information. Its like an encylopedia of Nata.

I was in South Africa last year working on a documentary about HIV/AIDS and felt that the web would be a great way to get information about the HIV/AIDS situation there out to the world.

It struck me that there is another way that the people of Africa could use the web: as a powerful commercial venue for direct marketing traditional cultural products.

In South Africa people do some of the most beautiful bead work I've ever seen. When I tried to purchase some necklaces for Christmas presents over the web I had a devil of a time ; I couldn't use a credit card, shipping arrangements had to be made before sending a bank transfer so those costs would be covered, etc.

It seems to me that you could have a tab on your site where local artisans - sculptors, weavers, bead work makers, doll makers - could market their products. If you set up a PayPal account customers would have a simple means of purchasing goods and shipping could be built into costs.

There are lots of people in this world who would like to make direct contributions to easing the impact of AIDS and poverty. A purchasing portal would provide a simple means to engage the issues and improve the local economy without middlemen skimming profits.

That's my two pula. I just wanted to give you some feedback. I'm not really looking to have this posted on the site.

Great Work!
Gosiame, Sala Sentle


Hello. I am so happy. Because this blog is wonderful. African people will have better life standarts, i believe this. I am from Turkey, Ankara. Good bye...

Esau Isaac Seisa

i think this is so helpful and i would encourage people around the world to visit the web and get latest information about this village,i think i know too much about the village as i was born and stayed in that for over 20 years,i m currently staying in Gaborone were i m studing at the university of Botswana,i usually visit the place during school vacation and would lyk to help in any way needed.


I guess you are doing a good job so am also from Nata and willing to assist wherever is possible but currently am in Malaysia studying.

Bongi Ncayiyana

I saw a story about this website on the news last night and decided to check it out.Wow! Its a great website. I hope the people of Nata are proud of it.
Keep up the good work.

Gobonaone Jennifer Obopile

I saw about Nata village website on the news of the 14 May 2007. So this morning I visited the site. It is very good and educational. So people of Nata you are blesed to have this educational website.

God bless you all people of Nata


An outstanding example for other HIV/AIDS infected villages across the world. Good Luck!

Melody Jenkins

We would like to thank all of you who have given your positive comments on this site. Since our story aired on BTV, we are especially pleased that Batswana have found the site and appreciate it. We work very hard to give a balanced and clear picture of life in Nata. Please feel free to share your stories of how HIV/AIDS has impacted your lives here in Botswana and help to educate the world. All the best, Melody, technical advisor


je suis tres contente d'apprendre de cette website... j'attends bien de rendre une visite avant la fin de l'annee..! je vous remercie pour ca Nata.Dieu vous donnez plus de benedictions...mes salutations a Nata Clinc pour travaillant avec cette commanite..! merci!

Monusi Rancholo

Im a young lady from Nata village. Actually Kgosi Makgesi is my uncle (my mothers brother). I love your website and am really proud of what you have achieved and what my home village has achieved over the years. I grew up living in Orapa (the diamond mine town) because my mom worked there, I went to Secondary School at Maru a pula Secondary school in Gaborone and studied for a degree in Social Sciences, majoring in Political Science and Public Administration at the University of Botswana. I now work for the Parliament of Botswana. despite growing up in towns I spent every holiday when I was growing up in Nata. I have always loved it and though I never have enough time to go there lately, I still hold it dear to my heart. Most of my mothers family still lives there and we occationally get together and have a great time on some holidays. I'm really proud to tell all my friends about Nata and what it has achieved. I take my hat off to all who have made us proud to come from Nata.

Monusi Rancholo

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Thanks for posting this blog. I am writing a paper that portrays the difference of a villager in Botswana today to that of the one that Bessie Head wrote about in her short story Life, contained in The Collector of Treasures and Other Botswana Village Tales. Is there any more information available on other sites that could help me grasp what life is like for you today? Thanks for any help.

Refiloe Mokgwetsi


I wouldn't have known about the existence of this website and its contents if it weren't for my search for my childhood friend Monusi Rancholo.Even though i am based in South Africa, I will never forget where I come from. I am proud to say I am a Motswana. This site has been an eye-opener for me. It has shed some light on issues that i was oblivious to. Even though I try to keep abreast of that which is happening in Botswana, information is limited.
Big up to everyone who was instrumental in the creation and success of this site.

Tendani Kgosidialwa

I also come from Nata vilage and I am really excited about the blog and the positive feedback that we receive from people around the world. Thank you very much....le ka moso.

mompati seitiso

Hi there! i also feel it essential to congrets on the great job my village have overcomed,currently im studying in malaysia, and i just wanna do something of interest for my village due to my completion of studies,love u all batho ba nata.

mompati seitiso

Hi there! i also feel it essential to congrets on the great job my village have overcomed,currently im studying in malaysia, and i just wanna do something of interest for my village due to my completion of studies,love u all batho ba nata.

Keabetswe keabotsa

Oh my god!!!I never realized there were so many people infected with HIV/AIDS in Nata, well I'm from Nata too, I left in 2005 to study in Canada, maybe I was very ignorant, I'm really touched by this tragedy...

Melody Jenkins

Dear Keabetswe,
Yes, the infection rate in Nata is tragic but the problem is not only in Nata. There are nearly 100,000 people in Botswana being kept alive on ARV's out of a population of less than 1.3 million. This tradedy is affecting the entire country. Thanks for commenting on our site. Melody, blogger

Maipelo Gloria Tabona

it is amazing how a big thing could come out of a small thing.who would have thought that a small village as nata could accomplish this much. am grateful of the blog that i have just seen. the most important ting is we should try and reduce this huge numbers of HIV infection in our all the people that have been sending comments(especially those that are from Nata), dont you think if we could just team up and educate our fellow villagers during the little time that we get from our hectic schedule would mean something?if we stand together, we shall win. God Bless you all!

Kay Morrison

Hurray Nata!
I had the good fortune to visit Nata in February, and was graced with the hospitality of Melody, Mr. Tiro and a band of warm Batswana. I live in Seattle, Washington, USA, and Africa seems so far away most days.... The NataVillage website is an amazing portal into daily life in Botswana, and really brings home the challenges and triumphs of living in such a complicated and beautiful place. Thank you for the dedicated effort of sharing your stories. They are being heard. And shared again.

It is tremendous what a small group of dedicated people can do, and Nata has shown, and keeps showing us, where we can go.

From rainy Seattle with love,
Kay Morrison


I really can't get what is going on among our people in Nata am one of the youth of this falling village due to AIDS,i went home on December for Xmas and i was shocked by this escalating rate and wish Mabogo and Ntwakgolo could do something to help our poor is not a need people let's try to abstain especially young once at secondary level and alcohol consumption a re iketleleng bojalwa banana ba Nata tota re ya thaelong.Where is the future of NATA?


Nata is our motherland and our ancestors are watching let's protect our land before is invaded by foreigners cause it seems like ga re a ikaelela go itsosa le rona banana we no longer listen to our parents...god help us on this!!!!!

Pamela ketlhoilwe

this website is amazing i hope it is utilised by everyone everywhere. i also come from Nata. A BEAUTIFUL PLACE INDEED. HIV/AIDS IS A REALITY i would like to say to especially the youth "STAND UP AND FIGHT THIS DISEASE" . LUV YOU ALL. SETLOGOLO SAGA KOJO

Pamela ketlhoilwe


Emmanuel Rancholo

Hi there!
Im actually grateful for what you guys are doing for the residents of Nata village. I hail from Nata and i grew up in Nata. The HIV/AIDS situation in the village is really bad. I appreciate what your efforts but I feel something more needs to be done.All stakeholders have to work together. It has to start from the family. Maybe change the way we raise up our children, deal with the many shebeens in the village, come up with recreational facilities for the youth and have parking lots for trucks outside the village. Nata clinic is just too small to be dealing with so many people, and it needs to be upgraded. Infact we need a hospital.
Lastly, I wish to thank Melody Jenkins.
Hope to keep in touch.

kennedy kgodumo

hi pedro!hope your are fine and you crew.i was in nata last weekend and hoped to see u but i was very concern still remains, alcohol abuse and prostitution are the key contributing factors of HIV aids in nata,Pliz bring in csw on board now to enlighten them on their role in the fight against this disease others we are we are going nowhere.lastly may i request u to continue assist my group Ntwakgolo support Group,i still care for them


Mr. Tiro and a band of warm Batswana. I live in Seattle, Washington, USA,

Desmond Lesetedi

Well well well,isn't my small village with HUGE numbers on the map? Who would'v thought that we could become infamous for mass suicide,because that's what it is when you look at these numbers: 50% of all pregnant women infected and 400 orphans due to AIDS!
I suggest we turn to Christ for help because its pretty obvious that doing things our way isn't working.

Tshepo Nancy Malikongwa

hey i lyk all these comments as a new member expecially by Pako Mochawacha.pls contact me in [email protected]


a greater loss but has had the rock, lyrics miss his talent and infected us with a rage of others, wish you were his art and his talent here with us the man was alone on their own ..

phetso danade

hi, guys i love you all neh, lets united and fight HIV/AIDS AS IT SEEMS LYK IT IS THE ONLY TOPIC about our hance there are lot of good things that should said about our village. your comments are good and guiding

phetso danade

hi,i like what i see in these website as i'm a youngman who is grown and raised in nata village and i would like to edge all residents of nata to take care of themselves ka go lebega fa ba thogelelwa bolwetse ke bahiti ka tsela ke ipotsa gore ane motho oa bo a ithobogile. i like to wish all the the teams in our village success.

Edwin M.  Monare

Good work guys and do not be discouraged by any negative comments. Unite and hold up your heads as where there is a will there is a go. Encourage the youth to turn to Christ and reduce the consumption of beer. Bravo to Nata and may God help and guide you. I salute Nata village for its achievement irrespective of its size and location




comments. Unite and hold up your heads as where there is a will there is a go. Encourage the youth to turn to Christ and reduce the consumption of beer. Bravo

zayıflama hapı

all those who haven't visited this website to pull up their socks cuz we want to hear your opinion and comments on what it is happening in our a young man who is born and raised in nata it is my singular


This is a wonderful achievement by residents of Nata and those behind this project need to be congratulated and encouraged to keep on. I wish all villages in Botswana could do the same. This is the sort of thing that our village development committees should be encouraged to do, as this goes a long way in marketing their villages. It is important that we should reclaim the cyber content thats written on us, we should tell our story, instead of that being done by other people.
My only gripe with the site is that it has too much focus on HIV and AIDS as if that is the only thing. I suspect that probably that is where the support came from and possibly was the motivation for the site, but there is need for many other positive stories to be written about Nata.
All the same bravo Nata.


gracias a Dios por intiresny


This is the sort of thing that our village development committees should be encouraged to do, as this goes a long way in marketing their villages. It is important that we should reclaim the cyber content thats written on us, we should tell our story, instead of that being done by other people.


"About Nata" An unknown place for me.
But, no I know it, I will share with ma friends

Tassimo Brewbot

I will be sharing this info on my facebook page with my friend and relatives. Thanks.

batanani mojiwa

outstanding!i lyk the blog,keep on doing dat.amanzing neh.lets unite and fight about dis disease,banana lets take care about ourself.thanx

kiralık devremülkler

thank you. i love to read this type of information posts. again thank you....


Wow. I was impressed by the information provided about NATA. How much is 9 hectares of land in NATA?

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Very sorry to know about the HIV/AIDS percentage in the people of Nata, Botswana. Immediate and emergency action plan is required by the WHO to prevent the people from this fatal disease.


I guess you are doing a good job so am also from Nata and willing to assist wherever is possible but currently am in Malaysia studying.

ralph lauren femme

Sospecho que, probablemente, que es donde el apoyo vino de y, posiblemente, fue la motivación para el sitio, pero no hay necesidad de muchas historias positivas de otros para escribir sobre Nata.




My dad owns a clinic there!! Proland Medical Center...


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