Nata clinic staff celebrate the protective gowns you bought!!!!
Originally uploaded by natavillage.
Once again your generosity is making a huge impact in Nata. Nurses, family welfare educators, nurse orderlies and general duty attendants all posed in the 8 protective gowns that arrived today at Nata clinic. We finally found a supplier and the clinic staff was overwhelmed with joy when they arrived. They are of excellent quality and the staff just love the tight white wrist cuffs that when used with rubber gloves will protect their arms. For years, the nurse midwives have been delivering babies wearing nothing more than a rubber butcher's apron. With a fifty percent infection rate amongst our pregnant women, you can imagine the stress that the nursing staff has been under. When there is a victim of a road traffic accident, the clinic staff are often exposed to blood and other body fluids. The AIDS pandemic has put enormous strains on nurses in Botswana. These gowns will make their jobs a little easier and help to put their minds at rest when treating patients. The staff at Nata clinic wish to thank all of you who have donated to this website. The total cost for the gowns was approximately U.S. $270. You made a difference today!